Thursday, April 10, 2008


Mr.Brooks will be speaking tonight at 7:30 at Berry College Chapel for any in the Rome community who wish to come.

Thoughts about the session:
Mr. Brooks struck me as a very open, honest speaker. He seems to be quite an optimist about our moral and ethical health as a nation, and through his stories, he is also very knowledgable about the inner-workings of White House politics. One point that struck me, and Dr. Brian Carroll, as surprising was how close Brooks ties are with McCain. The fact that McCain is so open with a NYT's columnist, who is at liberty to print what he wants, says a lot about McCain's honesty and transparency.

Questions, as you can read, were all very interesting but also very different. I apologize if my writing became confusing or lacked structure.

I would invite all of you who are interested in online journalism, blogging, and the question of ethics to visit our Dig Comm blogg, WanderingRocks, and participate in our ongoing discussion!

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