Thursday, April 10, 2008

Q&A Continued

Brooks says, "People dont vote on policy, they vote on character", and that's the way they should vote.

Q: What was the message about spirituality of Americans in Paradise Drive?
A: There's a debate about the corruption of America by material wealth. His answer to this debate is that no, we have not been ruined by this. Life in the suburbs is not evil.An example of this is the current low divorce rates in suburbs around atlanta. College students are also a fine example of the moral wealth of our country, i.e community service involvement. He is a "Walt Disney optimist" of American culture.

Q:If someone is rewarded for doing something good, would that change that the act is actually good?(example of scholarships in return for community service)
A: Most things are not done purely out of a desire only to help. But the continued participation of community service by college students, and the lengths they go to to help, i.e help with political campaigns, thereus evidence that there is some level of personal desire to help.

Q: What are your views on the ethics on blogging vs. journalism?
A:The lines are fuzzy. He personally finds that he adopts different roles depending on the medium he is using to communicate. Bloggers used to be their own seperate thing, now they are a part of the national conversation. People online dont always know how to write about the government because, as bloggers, they dont have the ability to see policy workers at worth. (personal note by hannah: This could be a drawback to accuracy! i.e difference between bloggers and journalists is their relative idea of reality and experience they have with the things they write about)

Q: Will magazines survive?
A: Yes, but they won't be profitable.

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